European Respiratory Society


European Respiratory Society 2012 UHY Wingfield Slater – audit, accounting and tax services The European Respiratory Society (ERS) seeks to alleviate suffering from respiratory disease and promote lung health through research, sharing of knowledge and medical and public education. UHY Wingfield Slater, in the UK provides audit, accounting and tax services to the ERS in the UK. UHY’s firm in Switzerland, Balmer-Etienne AG, was also engaged as auditors for ERS’ Lausanne operations.

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Grupoarbulu, founded in 1999, is the biggest marine electronic group in Spain and one of the largest in Europe. The engagement was led by UHY’s Spanish member firm, UHY Fay & Co, who joined forces with the UHY Danish member firm, INFO:REVISION A/S, to advise on the company’s acquisition of Aage Hempel A/S, based in Copenhagen, Denmark. 

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Dexxon Group is a leading distribution company specialising in equipment and supplies for the IT and office marketplace. UHY GVA, France, audits the consolidated group accounts and the group subsidiaries are audited by other UHY member firms in the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe and Middle east regions.

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Hidral S.A., based in Spain are manufactures of passenger and goods lifts and  Platforms. UHY Fay & Co in Spain, co-ordinated the legal and administrative establishment of Hidral’s Russian subsidiary, working closely with their counterparts at UHY YANS-Audit in Russia.

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Fedders Corp


 Fedders Corporation is a leading global manufacturer of air treatment products for residential, commercial and industrial use. UHY member firms provided audit services for the firm, some of its subsidiaries and joint ventures, including an integrated audit process required by Sarbanes-Oxley.

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OceanConnect, based in New York, US, is a global brokerage firm. It provides its clients with 24/7 coverage for energy and energy-related brokerage services. UHY provided audit, accounting and international tax services through a number of member firms in various locations.

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